Caerphilly County Borough 50+ Forum


1          Name

The name of the group is “Caerphilly 50+ Forum. “

The Forum website and Facebook page are bannered as “Caerphilly Over 50”.

2          Aims and Objectives

To promote the interests, participation and engagement of people aged fifty and over in Caerphilly County Borough and provide them with an opportunity to express, publicise and present their views, opinions or concerns. The Forum will aim to contribute to an improvement in the quality of the lives of Caerphilly County Borough residents and, particularly, help to address the effects of isolation, loneliness and poverty.

To provide information relevant to residents of the Borough particularly to those over 50 and friends and relatives who care for them.

The Forum will support Cymru Older People’s Alliance (COPA) and the Commissioner for Older People in Wales (COP), particularly with the development of Age and Dementia Friendly Communities (as defined by the COP) across the borough. It will also communicate with the local Council and with the Welsh Government (usually through COPA with the latter). The Forum will not express any party political opinions.

3          Processes

The Aims will be fulfilled by identifying any area where the Forum can influence the improvement of the well-being of those residents of Caerphilly County Borough that are over 50 years old.

This will be achieved by:

  • seeking the views, ideas, opinions and even complaints of residents.
  • publicising the existence, rôle and achievements of the Forum.

The Forum can:

  • Raise funds, receive grants and donations.
  • Apply for funds to carry out the work of the organisation.
  • Co-operate with and support other groups with similar purposes.
  • Share information but will not provide advice.
  • Liaise with Council officers and elected members, and statutory bodies, as appropriate, to promote the aims of the Forum.

The Forum will endeavour to influence policy and practice concerning current and future older people at a local, regional and national level.

The complete document can be read HERE